Important Pumping Tips

Hey mama! Here are some tips for pumping to increase your milk supply:

1. Get into ‘let-down’ mindset

  • Look at pictures/videos of your baby(ies) 

  • Smell a blanket or clothing item of your baby’s 

  • Think of your milk flowing 

  • Think of waterfalls 

  • Stay as calm and relaxed as possible!

2. Use your hands

  • Using your hands to massage and compress your breasts before, during, and after pumping helps to remove more milk. 

3. Use heat

  • Heat is your friend when it comes to pumping. Using heat before and during pumping has been shown to increase milk removal and decrease the amount of time you spend pumping. Any heating pad works!

  • Apply heating pads to your breasts for several minutes before pumping, use your hands to massage your breasts, apply your breast pump, and continue to use heat over the flanges while pumping.

4. Pump more often

  • The number one way to increase your milk supply when pumping is to increase how often you pump. 

  • Remember, emptying breasts trigger milk production, so the more you empty your breasts, the more milk you’ll make.

  • Another way to pump more often is to add in an extra session during the day, especially if you’re at work. For example, if you were pumping twice a day, pump three times.

5. Pump after nursing

  • Sometimes your breasts may still feel a bit full after baby has stopped nursing. 

  • You can try pumping or hand expressing one or both breasts after each nursing section to ensure that your breasts are completely empty. This signals your body to begin producing more milk.

  • Over time, pumping after nursing can lead to an increase in the amount of milk you produce throughout the day.

6. Double pump

  • To get the most milk when pumping, you can pump both breasts at once. To make double pumping easier, use a hands free pumping bra.

  • You can combine double pumping with cluster pumping if you’re trying to increase your supply or build a stock of milk in the freezer to keep on hand.

7. Use the right equipment: This is so important! 

  • To get the most out of pumping, it’s essential that your pump is in good condition and works right for you. 

  • Everything from the size of the breast shield to the speed of suction will affect how much milk you can get. Some tips:

  • Keep your machine clean and replace parts as needed.

  • Get familiar with your pump manual.

  • Check out the manufacturer’s website.

  • You can always rent a hospital grade pump if yours isn’t doing the job! These pumps tend to be more efficient.

8. Try lactation cookies and supplements

  • Lactation cookie recipes sometimes credit oats or brewer’s yeast for increasing milk supply. You can also find herbal supplements such as fenugreek, milk thistle, and fennel advertised as galactagogues, or substances said to increase milk. (experts say this may be due to a positive placebo effect.) Doctors and mothers can’t know for sure if or how herbs and supplements might help.

  • Talk to your doctor before trying any supplements while breastfeeding.

9. Maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated!

  • Remember to consume enough calories and to stay hydrated by drinking water and other clear liquids. Being properly nourished and hydrated can help you to maintain a healthy milk supply.

  • Aim to drink at least one cup of water every time you pump or breastfeed, and then get your remaining cups throughout the day.

  • You should also plan to add about an extra 450 to 500 calories a day. Just like when you were pregnant, the type of calories you add are important. Choose foods loaded with vitamins and other essential nutrients.


What you can expect between 3-4 months!