What you can expect between 3-4 months!

Wow… time flies by so quickly with our little ones!

  • Between 3-4 months baby sleep patterns shift and sleep usually starts to tend to be a lot more challenging. 

  • Naps become shorter (sleep cycles change) and nighttime sleep can become mired restless aka more wakings.

  • Between 3-4 months Your baby is undergoing normal developmental changes. 

  • Their circadian rhythm slowly matures and their melatonin production starts to fully mature as well (all baby’s are born with maternal melatonin but it dissipates over time>)

  • Your baby will be transitioning from 2 stages of sleep (light/REM & Deep) to 4 stages, like adults, resulting in more frequent night wakings. When they wake between these stages they need extra soothing to get back to sleep. Try not to introduce additional night feedings to what they are normally doing. It can be tiring but it does end!!

  • On top of all the sleep changes your baby starts to find their hands (important milestone for future self-soothing skills)& they learn how to intentionally grasp things.

  • Your baby wants more physical playtime and starts to move around more and more.

  • Happy Awake Windows start to get longer (between 1:15-1:45hrs.

  • Remember, all these are normal and cause more or less  trouble depending on your baby’s sleep needs and personality.

You might be tired but remember  you are doing absolutely amazing & you are right where you belong mama!


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